Ensuring child safety is fundamental to the mission of Boys & Girls Club of Malibu. We work every day to create a safe, fun, and interactive environment, so kids can have every opportunity to learn, grow, and be successful in life.


The Safety and Wellbeing of Young People is Our Number One Priority: We work every day to create a safe, inclusive and fun environment so kids can have every opportunity to be successful in life. We have no tolerance for inappropriate behavior of any kind, including child sexual abuse or misconduct, and we put resources behind that stance. 

Culture of Safety: Boys & Girls Club of Malibu continually updates robust safety policies, programs and training for staff and volunteers to promote child safety and protect young people from threats in our society. These resources include but are not limited to:


Health-Risk Behaviors

Club teens are more likely to abstain from health-risk behaviors like alcohol and smoking than their peers nationally.*


Clubs provide safety, mentorship, and a sense of community during the critical out-of-school hours. 54% of Club alumni said the Club “saved my life.” *

Civic Leadership

Clubs help build a sense of civic responsibility and leadership. In fact, 8.3% of Club members believe they can make a difference in their communities and 89% stand up for what they think is right.*

Safety Policies: Boys & Girls Club of Malibu maintains comprehensive safety policies that protect youth, including but not limited to policies on supervision, transportation, communication and prohibition of one-on-one contact. 

24-hour Toll-free Child Safety Hotline: We encourage all staff, members and families to report any incident or situation they feel is unsafe. Through our national partnership with Praesidium, one of the nation’s leading safety experts, Boys & Girls Club of Malibu members and staff have access to a confidential 24-hour toll-free Child Safety Hotline at 866-607-SAFE (7233) or [email protected]

Board Led Safety Committee

Our Club has a dedicated Board-led Safety Committee to provide input and guidance on local policies and safety strategies.

Safety Committee Board Members:

Howie Glober
Safety Committee Chairman

Yalile Pieper
Safety Committee Secretary

Todd Doyle
BGCM Board Member

Siugen Constanza
BGCM Director of Community Outreach & Program Impact

Mandatory Annual Safety Assessments

We employ a multi-tiered safety assessment approach  to ensure we continually make improvements to safety at our Clubs.

Safety Trainings: Ongoing training and supervision of staff are critical. We participate in a wide variety of child safety training through online courses, seminars, conferences and webinars. We also engage leading third-party safety experts to provide guidance for our policies and approaches, including Praesidium, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

Mandatory Background Checks

Mandatory criminal background checks are required upon hire and annually for every staff and board member at Boys & Girls of Malibu. In addition, criminal background checks are required for any volunteer who has direct, repetitive contact with children. All potential employees and volunteers are run through VeriScreen.

Required Immediate Reporting

Boys & Girls Club of Malibu staff and volunteers are all mandated reporters and are required to report any critical incident/safety concern to local authorities immediately. We are also required to report any critical incident to Boys & Girls Clubs of America within 24 hours.

Mandatory Employee Reference

Any employee interested in moving to another Boys & Girls Club is required to have a reference from their previous Club, even if the Clubs are within the same community.

Safety Partnerships

Nationally, Boys & Girls Clubs of America works with leading experts in the areas of safety, security and technology to develop state-of-the-art solutions for Clubs. Partners include:

  • National Child Safety Advisory Task Force, made up of leading experts and organizations
  • Blue Ribbon Taskforce, composed of local Club leaders who provide input on safety direction and key safety initiatives
  • Mental Health First Aid, a national program that teaches skills to recognize and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse
  • Crisis Text Line, a confidential text message service for youth in times of crisis

State and Local Laws: We comply with federal, state and local safety laws, including those impacting facilities and vehicles. 

Continued Commitment: In July 2020, Boys & Girls Club organizations voted to adopt additional safety measures to further improve safety within our Clubs. Though many of these practices were already commonplace across our Movement, this vote made them mandatory for all Clubs. These include more stringent reference and background checks, enhanced Safety Committee requirements, stronger communication of key safety resources and information, and more. With unprecedented majority, on July 26, 2021, local Boys & Girls Clubs voted in record number to adopt additional membership requirements that further enhance child safety, implementing recommendations from RAINN that began in 2020 and will continue over the next two years – a demonstration of our continued commitment to keeping kids safe.

Nationally, Boys & Girls Clubs of America has advocated for passage of the U.S. Protect Act to improve background screening systems and access. The national organization has also partnered with the FBI, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and the Centers for Disease Control to support the development of safety practices that benefit ALL youth-serving organizations.

America’s young people deserve nothing less than our constant focus on their safety and our firm commitment to protect every child who is entrusted to our care at Boys & Girls Club of Malibu. To learn more about our national safety policies and actions, please visit Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Child Safety page.

*2018 National Youth Outcomes Report
**2015 Harris Interactive survey of Club alumni 

Year Founded

Number of Kids Impacted Annually

Hours of Care Before & After School Weekly


Get In Touch

Location: 30215 Morning View Dr
Malibu, CA 90265

(310) 457-1400 - Admin
(310) 241-3675 - Programs

Email: [email protected]

Admin Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm
Programs Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10am to 6:30pm

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Boys & Girls Club of Malibu is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to people of all walks and abilities, regardless of sex, ethnicity, or age. Applicants and employees are expressly protected from discrimination motivated by inherent traits of their person such as race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation (perceived or actual), national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, uniform service member status, marital status, pregnancy, age, protected medical condition, and disability. In today’s world, the right to equal opportunity is an evolving definition that can vary from local, state and federal laws.